Brandi and I are moving to Poland. That’s awesome. We can’t wait. It’s been almost two years of planning for us privately, and as I write this, a month of getting to share with people on a more public level of where we are heading. Although somewhat bittersweet, everyone’s excited. People I’m talking with are excited, we are excited, our dog is excited (she’s coming, so she is in training = treats, so yeah, excited). It’s been something in my heart for almost twelve years. Missions has been in Brandi’s heart for almost a decade. We are joining an amazing team focused on transforming not just their city but cities and nations around them. It’s all coming together. Our world is changing.
But, there’s always a but, as this morning I woke up to a text from some friends that we just sent out to be missionaries. They are having visa issues that honestly I didn’t even know could happen. And the world changes. When I told some of my friends that spent two years on the field, in which we walked through many challenges, he joked if he needed to remind me of what we were getting into. Because the world changes. I’ve had the privilege of seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly that occurs in the world of missions. And if I’m truly honest, it’s pretty nerve racking. We are leaving a place that has allowed us to make significant impact around the world for years to enter the world of missions full time, knowing full well what that means. More unknowns than knowns. More questions than answers usually. Need always outweighs resources. What are we thinking?
At the end of the day, it’s actually not that complicated. Like anyone else who leaves their home country, we feel the maximum way we can fulfill our role in the Great Commission is to go. This is what we feel God is asking us to do. Because just as the world will change, we might as well be the ones helping that world change. We would like to invite you to join us as we take this journey. Because the truth is, we are all called to make this journey, to go and do what God has asked us to do, and we are called to do this together.
Great wisdom! Great honesty!